Saturday, December 10, 2016

May 11, 2016 - Azores Freshwater

On May 11 my wife and I traveled to the far western end of the island of Sao Miguel to see Lagoa Das Verde and Lagoa Das Azul.  The larger lake is blue and the smaller lake appears green. The lakes and village are located in the crater of a huge volcano.  

After coffee and a walk around town we headed over the shore of Lagoa Das Verde.  Within just a few minutes I caught two European Perch and one Northern Pike on a Silver Mepps Spinner. 

Next we decided to take a walk around the lake.  Less than half way around, the trail began to get narrow and steep with heavy vegetation all around. 

Then we reached a point where a mudslide had recently obliterated the trail.  We tried to follow a rough trail up hill, but ended up crawling under and climbing over dead trees while sliding on steep muddy ground (I was still carrying my fishing rod!).  Cynthia noticed what looked like a narrow ridge that cut across a sandy cliff left by the mudslide. We made it to the ridge and followed it at risk to life and limb to main trail.  We decided then to call it a day.

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