Saturday, December 10, 2016

2014 Species List

The most satisfying aspect of fishing for me is the pursuit of different species.  My goal is to catch as many species in one year as I possibly can.  Some days I set out out specifically to catch as many species as I can in one day.  This approach is similar to the activities of birdwatchers.  My birdwatching past is what inspired me to take a species diversification approach to fishing.

Here's the list for 2014.  It's a bit shorter than the two more recent years.  This is due in part to the fact that my fishing activity in 2014 was limited to New England waters. The Bonito was the only new species. The list includes a total of 27 species, 18 from saltwater and 9 from freshwater.

1. Atlantic Mackerel

2. Black Sea Bass

3. Bluefish

4. Bonito

5. Cod

6. Cunner

7. Haddock

8. Hake

9. Lizardfish

10. Menhaden

11. Pollock

12. Redfish

13. Scup

14. Sea Robin

15. Striped Bass

16. Tautog

17. Winter Flounder

18. Wolfish

19. Bluegill Sunfish

20. Brown Trout

21. Chain Pickerel

22. Largemouth Bass

23. Rainbow Trout

24. Smallmouth Bass

25. Tiger Trout 
(Brook Trout x Brown Trout Hybrid)

26. White Perch

27. Yellow Perch

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