Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 New Years Resolution (Or My Species Wish List)

The species I shouldn’t have missed in 2016.

Winter Flounder
Black Crappie
Tiger Trout

The Plan - 1. Try kayak fishing in the Spring for Winter Flounder in Barnstable Harbor or Plymouth Harbor. 2. Fish at night off the Cape’s north side beaches for Skate (and Striped Bass) . 3) Try ice fishing for Black Crappie in Beaver Pond in Franklin and some other ponds in southern New Hampshire.  4) Might have a shot at Tiger Trout by fishing the larger lakes in the mid to lower Cape.

New species to target 

Red Drum
Black Drum
Grouper sp.

The Plan - 1. Could get lucky with Mahi this year on Brown’s Ledge during late Summer.  
2. Planning a trip to Cape Fear, North Carolina in May. That’s where I hope to get Red Drum, Black Drum, Sheepshead and Grouper. 3. Might bag a Walleye if I go ice fishing in Western Massachusetts. 4. Zander, the European version of the Walleye will be targeted during a trip in September to the Azores. This trip will also give me a shot at catching Groupers.

Species that I haven’t caught in a while that will be targeted in 2017.

Brown Bullhead
Spotted Seatrout
False Albacore
Lake Trout
Landlocked Salmon

The Plan - 1. Best bet for Bullhead is night fishing with dead baitfish or nightcrawlers.   2. North Carolina for Weakfish and Spotted Seatrout. 3. Could try using the Kayak on a not so windy day to reach the False Albacore during September.  4. Probably will do some ice fishing in Northern New England to go after Lake Trout and Landlocked Salmon.

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