Sunday, December 11, 2016

May 12, 2016 - Azores Saltwater Fishing

The staff at the B&B we were staying at arranged for us a fishing excursion with a local fisherman and his son.  Joe and Louiza brought there traditional wooden fishing boat from the village of Ribeira Quentes to pick us up in Provoacao. He took us east to a spot near the village Faial Da Terra. 

The fishing techniques and the species we caught were all very similar to bottom fishing in southern New England.  We used light tackle spinning rods rigged with a 3oz sinker and a single hook baited with clam.  Even the clams that we used for bait were imported from Massachusetts according to Louiza. The fish that we caught resembled Scup, Sea Bass and Tautog.  We caught plenty of fish in a short amount of time. Nothing big but quite a few large enough for eating.  Joe and Louiza were very attentive and made the trip a very pleasant experience.  

Species Caught: (from top left to bottom) Axillary Seabream, Black Tail Comber, Two Banded Seabream, Ornate Wrasse, White Seabream.

Back at the B&B I cleaned our catch and cooked it using a Portuguese garlic vinegar sauce called molho vilao.   The B&B we stayed at is called Casa Maria de Deus.  I would recommend to anyone who is planning the visit the island of Sao Miguel. The website link:   Trip Advisor reviews at

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