Sunday, October 29, 2017

Fourteen Species In One Day! - October 23, 2017

Started out the day at Santuit Pond in Mashpee, arriving there at about 7am.  In less than an hour I caught one White Perch, three Golden Shiners, one Chain Pickerel and two Yellow Perch.  All were caught from shore. 

Next stop was Popponesset Bay for some kayak fishing.  Paddled out to the middle of the bay where I could see a few fish breaking at the surface.  Caught a couple of small Striped Bass on a metal lure.  Next I decided to try the “narrows” between Popponesset Bay and Shoestring Bay where I caught on more Striper. 

A Foggy Day On Shoestring Bay

The fishing was slow in the bay so I gave up at 10:15 and moved on to the next spot in Woods Hole.  Using the Kayak again I explored the area around the docks and jetty.  Casted a lure unsuccessfully to some small fish near the surface before switching over to using clam baited hooks on the bottom.  Caught three more species, one Scup, six Black Seabass and one Tautog. 

Arrived at the next spot, a mill pond on the Coonamesset River at 11:50 am.  Caught one Largemouth Bass from shore and then drove home for a short break.

The first stop in the afternoon was Megansett Harbor in North Falmouth.  Made a few casts from shore.  Didn’t see any birds and fish feeding so I didn’t stay long.

The next spot I tried was Flax Pond in Bourne.  Caught one Bluegill Sunfish and another Largemouth Bass.  At this point I’d caught ten species total.  Only needed four more to break my previous record of thirteen species caught on May 29, 2016.  It was getting late in the afternoon and I figured I had enough time to try three more spots before dark.  I wasn’t ruling out night fishing but would prefer not to.  

Drove to the Scusset Beach Pier on the Cape Cod Canal.  This is a great spot for catching large Striped Bass.  However today I would be “microfishing” for a the smaller fish that hang around the pilings.  Caught three Cunners, a smaller member of the Wrasse family and related to Tautog.  

The next stop was Spectacle Pond in Sandwich where I caught a couple stocked Rainbow trout the week before.  I didn’t catch any trout here, but managed to catch species number twelve, a Pumpkinseed Sunfish from shore.  Also caught three Yellow perch.

The sun was beginning to set when I headed over to Mashpee-Wakeby Pond to target  trout and Smallmouth Bass using live minnows from shore.  Soon after I arrived I reeled in a plump sixteen inch Rainbow Trout.  Still hoping to break the tie I stayed on after dark and was rewarded with species number fourteen, a little Smallmouth Bass.

Only one fish was kept, the trout which went into the chowder pot.  All others were released unharmed.

The next attempt to set a new personal record will be in late May or early June to take advantage of the longer days.

A list of species caught on October 23, 2017

1. White Perch

2. Golden Shiner

3. Chain Pickerel

4. Yellow Perch

5. Striped Bass

6. Scup

7. Black Sea Bass

8. Tautog

9. Largemouth Bass

10. Bluegill Sunfish

11. Cunner

12. Pumpkinseed Sunfish

13. Rainbow Trout

14. Smallmouth Bass

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